الأخبار العالمية

تايوان تسجل أول إصابة بالمتحور “أوميكرون”

أعلنت حكومة تايوان، اليوم السبت، أنها رصدت أول إصابة بمتحور فيروس كورونا الجديد “أوميكرون” في البلاد.

وقال مركز قيادة الوضع الوبائي المركزي في تايوان إن المصاب كان عائدا من إيسواتيني (منطقة جنوب إفريقيا)، وخضع بالفعل للحجر الصحي وفقا للقواعد التي تطبقها تايوان على جميع الوافدين.

وأضاف المركز أن المصاب بالمتحور “أوميكرون” لم تظهر عليه أعراض المرض، وتبين عدم إصابة عشرة أشخاص كانوا يجلسون في المقاعد أمام المصاب وخلفه على متن رحلته، وخضعوا للحجر الصحي المنزلي.

المصدر: رويترز

تعليق واحد

  1. 81% of the total amount) among those with tape-recorded data yet under-representation when immigrant standing
    was thought about as a binary variable (1.3% of the complete research population contrasted to 9.9% non-UK born individuals
    in the English Census).” This means that country of birth, the main indicator of migration status, was not tape-recorded whatsoever for 99.3% of people in the CRPD data source to be utilized to establish the phenotype. We have actually laid out why we assume it is reasonable to pursue finishing an expediency study of the phenotype throughout any age varies in paragraph 4 of the introduction and, in providing us authorization to complete this study, the Independent Scientific Advisory Board for CPRD agree that it is reasonable to wage the expediency study. CPRD can not be utilized to establish a reputable immigrant phenotype. According to ONS 2011 census quotes, those aged 65 years as well as over just make up 27% of the migrant population, so Jain et al’s research study hasn’t reviewed a migration phenotype in approximately three-quarters of the migrant population. Rather, Jain et alia’s research reveals that a phenotype can be created, but that it has actually not been reviewed in the whole CPRD population, i.e. it did not complete evaluation of the phenotype in under 65 year olds in CPRD GOLD, and also did not assess the phenotype whatsoever in CPRD Aurum.

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